Are you ready for something different? Do you like flying lots of different slots? Do you fancy the idea of being a part of sharp, clean sequential jumps and challenging unique formations? If you answered "yes" to these questions you don't want to miss this! You will have the chance to learn and practice the skills necessary to conquer the most intricate of formation skydiving's challenges. This event will help you build the skills you'll need for the most challenging big way events including the P3 Spring Fling, P3 Power Play, Arizona Challenge and Sequential Games.

February 22nd - February 25th, 2024
This is a Thursday through Sunday.
Location: Perris, CA
Please refer to the drop zone website for information about local camping, bunkhouses, and nearby hotels: www.skydiveperris.com/facilities.aspx (click on "Bunkhouse & IHOP" or "Travel & Accomodations").
Price: $1210 USD for 18 jumps (subject to a potential fuel surcharge*).
All jumps will be 1-3 aircraft formations from altitudes of 13,500-16,000' AGL (using oxygen for jumps exiting over 15,000' AGL). This cost also INCLUDES video and still photographs of the dives.
* The stated event price is based on fuel prices as of August 2023. If fuel prices increase significantly between August and February, P3 may be forced to add a FUEL SURCHARGE to the price of the event.
Deposit Required: $310 USD, once your application is accepted, is required in advance to secure your slot. This deposit will be applied towards the total event price. The balance of $900 is due prior to 8:00am on Day 1 of the event.
Payment Methods Accepted:
- Cash
- Zelle Transfer - Use recipient address events@p3skydiving.com.
- Wise Transfer - Email events@p3skydiving.com for payment link.
- Revolut Electronic Transfer - Use Revolut tag @p3skydiving.
- Personal Check or Bank Check - Funds must be in US$ drawn on a US bank, no exceptions. Make payable to P3 Skydiving and mail to PO Box 418, Perris, CA 92572 USA.
- Credit/Debit Card - A 3.5% transaction fee will be added to all credit card transactions, as well as any debit card transactions under $100 USD. There is no fee for debit card transactions over $100 USD. All credit/debit transactions are processed by PVAS.
- Wire Transfer - You are responsible for all fees charged by BOTH banking institutions (sending and receiving). Inquire with Jen events@p3skydiving.com for banking information.
Start Time: 8:00am on February 22nd.
Please be registered, waivered, gear checked and ready to jump at this time. Please make your travel arrangements accordingly. Start times for subsequent days will be announced at the end of the preceding day.
Release Time: 5:00pm on February 25th.
Please make your travel arrangements accordingly. If you have to leave early on February 25th, be aware that you will pay for the entire day regardless for how many jumps you made.
Cancellation & Refund Policy: If you cannot honor your commitment to this event and you cancel within 30 days of the event start date, your $310 USD deposit may be retained as a late cancellation penalty. If you cancel prior to 30 days before the event, your deposit will be fully refunded.
What do I need to bring? Current USPA (or recognized aero club) membership card, photo identification (driver’s license or passport), signed logbook, and ALL JUMPSUITS and/or WEIGHTS -- or an empty weight belt if you plan to rent weights from Gold State Gear -- and/or SWEATSHIRTS to ensure your best performance in each skydive regardless of the fall rate. Also, needless to say, please be sure your reserve is in date.
Questions? Please address administrative questions regarding registration and payment to Jen Domenico events@p3skydiving.com. Questions about the event and your qualifications can be addressed to Dan BC danbc@skydiveperris.com.