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Above All Else


Course Description: Few things are more amazing than gathering skydivers from around the world with the goal of building large freefall formations. There is nothing like that magical moment when everything clicks and the team overcomes seemingly impossible odds as each person flies to their position to create a work of art in the sky. There is truly nothing else like it!

The P3 Big Way Camp is the chance for skydivers with as few as 100 jumps to gain experience and learn the skills, habits and discipline to safely and successfully be a part of large formations. The camps are also the perfect opportunity for World Record holders and experienced big way jumpers to hone their skills and expand their ability to fly many different positions.

The first day of the camp starts off with jumps between 16 and 22ways exiting from two planes. With so few people on each plane no one has far to dive or float to get close to the base. This allows us to focus on the skills needed for the actual build and break off of the formation which includes:

  • Exiting and flying to your area
  • Getting set up in the stadium approach position with others in your section
  • Looking to the center
  • Flying straight into your slot
  • Stopping completely in you slot
  • Taking a grip while flying very still
  • Tracking off with you team. (To be sure we have plenty of tracking practice break offs will start between 6000' and 7000' on this day)

Day 2. Now that we've practiced what to do when we get close to the formation, we add in long diving and floating. The groups stay the same size but now we'll be exiting from one plane.

Day 3. We continue getting a little bigger. Groups are usually between 32 and 40ways and are often exiting from up to 4 plane formation loads.

Day 4. The largest the formations we would do is 60.

This gradual progression allows you to take it step by step at your own pace. In the process you will have the chance to be in the base, dive, float and fly in many different positions exiting from right and left trail planes. This is a "no fault" approach to teaching where you are encouraged to push your limits while learning.

The minimum skill level to attend the camp is 100 jumps, the ability to consistently dock on a 4way base in a pre-assigned slot, track in a straight line, and be comfortable flying with other canopies. Everyone who comes to the camp with these skills, a good attitude and a fun smile has been able to progress with the group through all 4 days. And most progress so much that they are cleared to join us for the 100way Camp the following week.

Your coaches at this camp include Dan Brodsky-Chenfeld, Manager of Skydive Perris, founding member of Arizona Airspeed, multiple 4 and 8way World and National Gold Medal winner and organizer of the GO FAST 300way World Record amongst others. Along side Dan is Kate Cooper-Jensen, Kate has been and integral part of the leadership teams for most FS World Record Large Formations including the GO FAST 300way and World Team 400way. Kate was also the primary organizer of all the Jump For The Cause Women's World Records. Joining Dan and Kate are Larry Henderson, Christy Frikken, Doug Forth, Scott Latinis, Craig Girard, Eliana Rodriguez and Doug Barron. A long record of FS success amongst this crew. All terrific coaches and organizers.

There is a unique bond amongst all skydivers and the international skydiving big way community is especially tight. These camps will introduce and welcome you to that community. In the years to come you'll find yourself attending fabulous big way events and meeting up with many of the same friends all around the world. You're going to love it!!